Federico IIErasmus

MOOC 2018 Lecture 3 – Between semantic and structure: making sense of Europe’s governance of education

Eric Mangez – (University of Louvain, BE)

Professor in Sociology, University of Louvain, Belgium. He is specifically interested in the sociology of knowledge and the knowledge – policy relationship. His current work area deals with the role of knowledge in governing/governance. He has been the co-director of a large FP6 Integrated project funded by the European Commission and dealing with “the role of knowledge in the construction and regulation of education and health policy across Europe” (KNOWPOL). He have published several papers, chapters in books and monographs. All publications can be found at He teaches general sociology, method and political sociology at the University of Louvain. Specialties: His theoretical and empirical research expertise is in education(al) policy.

Abstract of the lecture

Download Mangez Presentation

Download Mangez Observations on Education and Late Modernity

An Invitation to Think with Luhmann’s System Theory

A Difficult Invitation: Confronting Bourdieu with Luhmann

The Form of (Modern) Society – Part I

The Form of (Modern) Society – Part II

History of the Future

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Download Mangez Observations on Education and Late Modernity


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